Narva 72018 Halogen Headlamp – H4 Conversion Kit – 165 x 100mm High/Low Beam Free Form
Special order item (online purchase only).
NARVA 72018, H4 165 x 100mm 12V 60/55W Utilising hardened glass lenses this kit features high/low beam function and replaces either sealed or semi-sealed beams.
Technical Information
POWER 60/55W
SIZE 165 x 100mm
ADR 46/00 HC/R-E9-00.1072
Product Comprises of
1. 2 x headlamp inserts (P/No. TBC-72016)
2. 2 x 12V H4 60/55W globes (P/No. TBC-48881)
3. 2 x dust covers
NB: For 24V applications use H4 75/70W globe